Sunday, September 21, 2014
Nativity of the Mother of God
Mary, the Mother of God (Theotokos), whose Nativity the Church commemorates today, was born of her aged parents Joachim and Anna.
O Bride of the Father, immaculate Mother of the Son, and holy and resplendent temple of the Holy Spirit: O most chaste of all creation, most suitable to His ultimate purpose, on this account the universe was created, and by thy birth was the eternal will of the Creator fulfilled.
St Andrew of Crete, 7th century
What is God’s ultimate purpose for us, and how did Her birth fulfill the eternal will? It is our unification with God and our divinization (becoming God-like).
Unless man were redeemed, it would avail him nothing to be born.
St Ambrose of Milan, 4th century
This day is for us the beginning of all holy days. It is the door to kindness and truth.
St Andrew of Crete, 7th century
The Great Synaxaristes, September 8