Sunday, April 26, 2015
Lenten, Holy Week and Paschal services in Australia
Pictures from St John of Kronstadt parish in Sydney:
Pictures from the Tabinsk Icon of the Mother of God parish in Dandenong:
Greek Orthodox Church of St Greogory the Theologian in Bentleigh (Melbourne) (Church of the True Orthodox Christians of Greece), which is currently served by clergy of ROCA:
Greek Orthodox Church of the Dormition in Cheltenham (Melbourne) (Church of the True Orthodox Christians of Greece). Rector Protopriest Stylianos.
Annunciation Monastery:
Lessons from the Mhyrr-bearing Women
The mhyrr-bearing women were perplexed about not finding Jesus’ Body in the tomb.
They were perplexed. Indeed we ought constantly to remember that we cannot find our Lord’s body on earth. We are more confused in our minds as we see that we are still wandering far from Him, in Whose presence alone we are capable of living happily.
St Bede the Venerable, 7th century
But when they saw the angels in the tomb, they were afraid and looked to the ground. St Bede reminds us that we should be like them when we attend the Divine Services in Church:
We must strive meticulously when we come into the church….to be always mindful of the angelic presence, and to fulfill our duty with fear and fitting veneration, following the example of the women devoted to God who were afraid when the angels appeared to them at the tomb, and who, we are told, bowed their faces to the earth.
St Bede the Venerable, 7th century
The women disciples of our Lord become apostles to the Apostles. They first to tell the Good News to Christ’s closest friends, who nevertheless, do not believe them:
He Who of old had said to them, “In pains thou shalt bear children”(Gen 3:16), gave them deliverance from their misfortune, by having met them in the garden…and said, “Rejoice!” To the holy apostles, however, the account of the resurrection seemed to be absolutely but an idle tale and a falsehood; for even they did not know the inspired Scripture, and so they were incredulous. Thus, they mocked the news and rejected it.
St Kyril of Alexandra, 5th century
For Orthodox Christians, the Resurrection of Christ is a monumental event in history - one that forever changed the world. According to ancient tradition, it was the Mother of God who saw the Risen Lord first.
The resurrection of the Lord was the regeneration of human nature…and recreation of the first Adam, whom sin led to death. The resurrection is the return to immortal life. Whereas no one saw the first man Adam when he was created and given life…Woman was the first person to see him after he had received the breath of life by divine in-breathing….Likewise, no one saw the second Adam, that is, the Lord, rise from the dead….Following the resurrection, however, it was a woman (the new Eve) who saw Him first.
St Gregory Palamas, 14th century
Monday, April 13, 2015
Paschal greetings from Metropolitan Agafangel
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Festal Services for the Annunciation of the Mother of God
The monastery of the Annunciation of the Mother of God celebrated its patronal feast on 6-7 April (24-25 March, old style). The feast commenced with Vespers, and later in the evening, a festal Vigil. Around 30 people came to the monastery for the feast.
Abbott John concelebrated with Protodeacon Vasily Yakimov. Many young people attended and helped with reading, singing and serving.
After the Vigil, rassophore nun Elisabeth was tonsured to the small schema, with the name Evgenia.
Дорогие архипастыри и пастыри, монашествующие и мирские, братья и сестры!
Смерть приходит, когда отступает жизнь. Если, по тем или иным причинам, нет возможности поддерживать движение жизни – то человек умирает. Но, на этом процесс не оканчивается - после разрушается сам организм, бывший носителем жизни, до того состояния, чтобы от прежнего присутствия жизни не оставалось и следа. Это закономерный процесс, положенный Богом – от высокоорганизованного живого организма – к мертвой материи, которая в Книге Бытия названа «землею». И, казалось бы, невозможно это изменить. Но Бог, сотворивший человека, «побеждает естества чин», как сказано в Каноне преп. Андрея Критского. Господь наш Иисус Христос в земной жизни показал множество раз Своими чудесами, что Он имеет власть над мертвой материей, и, будучи Творцом Вселенной, Своей Божественной волей может изменять эту материю. И, даже, вернуть жизнь праху земному, от которого она была взята ранее – из низшей материи вновь создать высшие ее формы – из мертвой «земли» возсоздать человека.
Жизнь уничтожается только грехом – который есть смертельный яд для «всякого дыхания». И победа над грехом – есть победа над смертью. Пасха – это ПРЕОДОЛЕНИЕ. Преодоление сил зла – многочисленных диавольских козней на пути к Богу. Преодоление множества соблазнов и препятствий, от даже совсем незаметных до самого непреодолимого препятствия на этом пути – смерти. Что-то мы можем победить и сами – касающееся наших личных слабостей и искушений. Но главное препятствие – смерть, мы самостоятельно преодолеть не в силах, поскольку оно касается человеческого естества, которое подвластно только Богу.
Вечный Бог никогда не умирал и не воскресал, но человек, неслитно и нераздельно соединенный с Богом и Единосущный с Ним – Иисус Христос – родился, умер и воскрес. И Он, Господь наш, свидетельствует о том, что Бог и других людей может воскресить, как воскресил Лазаря. Но Бог потому совершил это чудо, что Лазарь любил Господа. Любовь ко Христу – вот единственный залог и единственное условие нашего воскресения – это то, что безсмертно и никогда в человеке умереть не может. Поэтому, главное для нас, христиан – любовь: «Возлюбим друг друга, да единомыслием исповемы Отца и Сына и Святаго Духа, Троицу Единосущную и Нераздельную!».
Воистину, Воскресший Христос – Сын Божий есть!
Пасха Христова 2015 года, Одесса
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Sydney - Schedule of services for Passion Week
за Велику Недељу и Васкршње празнике 2015
Црква РПЦЗ Свети Праведни Јован Кронштатски
Велики Понедељак 24.март/06.април
Свеноћно бденије за празник Благовести,почетак 18.00 часова
Велики Уторак 25.март/07.април
БЛАГОВЕСТИ ПРЕСВЕТЕ БОГОРОДИЦЕ,Света Литургија у 8.00 часова
Велика Среда 26. март/8. април
ОСВЕЋЕЊЕ ЈЕЛЕЈА у 16.оо часова
Вечерње богосслужење у 19.оо часова
Велики Четвртак 27. март/9. април
Света Литургија Светог Василија Великог у 8.оо часова
Велико Вечерње са читањем 12 Јеванђеља о Христовом Страдању
у 18.оо часова
Велики Петак
28. март/10. април Велики Царски Часови у 8.оо часова
Велико Вечерње са изн, Опело и Сахрана Христова у 15.оо
Литија са ношењем Христовог Гроба у 19.00 часова
Велика Субота
29. март/11. април Јутрење и Света Литургија у 8.оо часова
Васкрсно Јутрење у 23.оо часа
30. март/12. април ВАСКРСЕЊЕ ХРИСТОВО
у продужетку Јутрења, Васкршња Света Литургија
Васкрсно Вечерње Богослужење
у 16.оо часова
Понедељак 31. март/13. април - Васкрсни Понедељак
Јутрење у 8.оо, Света Литургија у 9.30 часова
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Monastery Feast Service Schedule
The services for the Monastery feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God at the Annunciation Hermitage will be as follows.
Monday 6.April (24 March):
3 pm Vespers
530 pm Festal Vigil (Great Compline, Matins, and first hour)
930 pm Trapeza
Tuesday 7. April (25 March):
8 am Hours, Typika and Vespers
930 am Vespers with the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
11 am Trapeza
This year the feast falls during Holy Week, and is therefore combined with the services of Holy Tuesday.
All are most welcome to attend!
Concelebration in Melbourne
On the 5th Sunday of Great Lent, Bishop Photii of Marathon presided at Divine Liturgy at the Greek church of St Gregory the Theologian in Bentleigh (Melbourne).
Abbott John (ROCA) and Deacon John concelebrated, with Father Sotirios, the rector of the Church, participating.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Sixth Week of the Great Fast
The fast is nearing its end. Our inner gaze is turned toward Palm Sunday and the coming of the Lord:
Beginning the sixth week of the honourable fast with eagerness, let us sing to the Lord a pre-festal hymn, bringing palms, O ye faithful, to the One Who comes in glory to Jerusalem, with the power of Divinity to destroy death. Therefore let us piously prepare the signs of victory, virtuous branches, chanting “Hosanna” to the Creator of all.
Stikhira at Vespers on Sunday of the 5th week
Whoever has repented and fasted well, has noticed a subtle change in his soul:
Thou hast taken away the rock of insensitivity from my heart, o Lord, which was being killed by the passions. Lift up my soul, O good One, so that I may bring to Thee the palm branches of virtues. As the Victor of hell, grant me, Master to receive eternal life, singing to Thy dominion and Thy goodness, O only Lover of mankind.
Sedalen at Matins on Monday of the 6th week
Nevertheless, repentance continues to the end of the fast, or indeed, to the end of our life on earth. Christians are required to always fast from sin.
I have been morally like the unmerciful rich man, o Merciful Lover of mankind. I pray Thee, group me with Lazarus the poor man, saving me from the flame and the unceasing fire.
I have fasted from correction, and have taken my fill of sin, o Lord. Now I hunger - nourish me with saving and honourable food.
Let us love the passion-killing fast, and be diligent in prayer. Let us weep, cry and sigh sincerely, so that Jesus may console us and make us partakers of the Kingdom.
Canon at Matins on Monday of the 6th week
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Fifth week of the Great Fast
Not much time remains of the Holy Fast. The Church thanks God that He has preserved us this far, and asks for help to proceed in good:
O Lord, Thou hast granted us to reach the light of the present day, and soon we shall come to the holy week of the dread raising of Lazarus from the tomb. Count us Thy servants worthy to walk in Thy fear, and to complete the whole course of the Fast.
Sedalen at Matins in the Fifth week of Great Lent
We are already on the home run on the fast, and it is time to become more zealous for the spiritual prize:
With God’s help we have rounded the turning post of the Fast. Let us run the remainder of the course with all our strength, and win a victor’s crown.
Eight ode of the Canon, Matins in the Fifth week of Great Lent
The fast is one of the many trusted means of attaining to true happiness. The Church teaches us how to attain true and everlasting joy, through a little bit of struggle for our body through fasting, and our soul through prayer and repentance:
Tilling the soil of our mind with the divine ploughshare of the Fast, let us reap the sheaf of the virtues: Then we shall not hunger in eternity, but will rejoice in gladness with a joy that has no end.
First ode of the Canon, Matins in the Fifth week of Great Lent